This latest exposed terrorist plot to blow up ten airliners over the Atlantic using liquid explosives disguised as various carry-on items, they told us it was a 'dry run'.
The thought of this event actually happening is horrifying. Some may even say terrorizing. There are those who said the report of this insidious plot reminded them of 9/11. It didn't remind me of 9/11 at all. That's old news. Now the events of 9/11 seem almost archaic and primitive. What it reminded me was that, for every security measure that is designed, the human nature of adaptation forces these terrorists to develop even more sophisticated means to accomplish their goals. We're forcing them to become diabolical geniuses.
And they're stepping up to that challenge.
The disturbing thing is that this plot is actually based on an old idea. Back in 1995 a Pakistani man named Ramzi Ahmed Yousef not only designed this attack, he executed a successful 'dry run' on Philippene Airlines Flight 434. We're told he developed a liquid form of nitroglycerine stable enough to conceal in a contact lens solution container. The bomb was then assembled in the restroom of the plane and then deftly hidden beneath his seat. Here's the catch: the bomb was designed to detonate by a simple digital watch or a cell phone.
This is after the terrorist was off the plane.
There was no righteous martyrdom involved. No heavenly harem of virgins as a reward. The reward for Ramzi Ahmed Yousef was that he would still be alive to admire the rotten fruits of his labor. His reward would be the authority and respect he would no doubt reap from the extremists of the world that support his ideology. The reward for Yousef was 240 years in solitary confinement.
Which presents a whole new aspect creeping into terrorism. Now these extremists can have their proverbial cake and eat it too. Those diabolical minds who see no advantage in sacrificing their lives for their agendas may find their pursuits more attractive.
They've changed the game. These days, terrorists have no reason to even execute these plots. They've learnt they can oppress and paralyze the world with an idea. Now they can play a charade and fear and paranoia will take care of the rest. Afterwards they can sit around the television and get a good laugh at the mayhem they have manufactured.
Having said that, we know there are those still bent on destruction. It's all about the revenge for the for the hardcore martyr. There is no satisfaction until they've achieved gorgasm. Doing it all in the name of their angry God. They tell us all glory rests with him.
Whoever He is.
But God seems more of an excuse. A lame justification. Because we know it has more to do with good old-fashioned deep seeded hate. Old hate is like old money, it's very influential and it runs deep. These people have forgotten what it's like to live without hate and violence. They're blind with it. Consumed by it. Which is the reason, despite any security measures we take, these extremists will reach into their pool of hate-filled minds and discover new ways of teaching us all a lesson.
An associate of mine told me that now, when he gets on a plane, he can't help but scan the crowd of fellow passengers. He said he couldn't help but feel a little knot twist in his gut when he notices anyone of Middle Eastern appearance get onboard. He told me his mind runs rampant with worst-case scenarios. He says it's no big deal that we're not allowed carry-on luggage. He figures nothing stops one of these terrorists from stuffing a tube of plastic explosives with an active detonator up their anal cavity before they board a plane. He told me that he holds no prejudice against any people, but the cliches and stereotypes of terrorists and their religious and ethnic heritage hold true. And that he hates it.
I told him that I wish there were something to say that would ease his worry.
This is our generation's war. It's not cold and it's not hot. This is a war of convenient chances that comes in short bursts of dark angry violence. Anyone can be a casualty. We are all of us target objects and no one is considered innocent. All you armchair anarchists who quietly applaud and say the establishment has it coming, you're on the list too. Our enemy wears no uniform and is indistinguishable in an ocean of faces. Some of them even live among us, hiding behind neighborly masks.
And this war won't end until everyone can get past the hysterical demand for justice and revenge. Hatred is a blind desire. There will be no ceasefire until everyone soothes their hatred with education and awareness.
It will only come through faith in humankind.
Run Viral
10 years ago