Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Idealist Revolution

If you vote partisan, loyally showing allegiance to one party, then you are a blind fool. Actually you’re worse. You’re a pig at the trough being fed pig bits and parts. And eventually your brain will begin to eat itself and you will become the perfect little subservient zombie every politician would want you to be. And since you stubbornly insist on it, despite that party’s horrible failures and their cancerous corruption, then you deserve everything you get. So eat away piggypiggy.
Every party and every politician will fail you. This is a guaranteed time proven fact of life. And yet people fall into line to exercise their political party loyalty when it comes to debates or time to vote. And they will do this despite how much shit they have on their face because of their favored political party’s failures. And the politicians love it. Watching their little drones do their work for them. Once in a while they stir those little worker bees up into a frenzy when something special needs to be done. A special interest needs to be filled, or a war needs to be fought, or a run for power becomes tangible. They’ll spoon feed you lies and misinformation and you’ll gobble it down and like greedy little idiots.

When Lord John Dalberg-Acton said that absolute power corrupts absolutely, he wasn’t fucking kidding. That quote has become so famous it’s overshadowed countless insights and gems he had to share. For starters his preamble to that comment was “Where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that." He said once that “The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern.” And regarding the danger of voting one individual into ruling power he said two things. First he said “Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.” Then he said “There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it.” He also advised to put conscience above both political system and success.

Partisanship is prejudice. And prejudice is a social cancer. And as long as we insist on pursuing this path that is a vertical freefall it will be our inevitable undoing.
It all boils down to this: Any person who is in the depths of their heart a right wing conservative Christian will never be convinced to abandon all their beliefs and become a left wing liberal atheist. No more than that same liberal will be convinced to switch to conservatism. There is a fundamental core that drives an individual and that core will never change. You are what you are, and as long as you are not trampling underfoot the rights and liberty of anyone or anything else no one should suggest you change or impose their ideals onto you as if they are right and you are wrong. At the same time we have to coexist. And the only way to do that successfully and happily is if we manage to respect and tolerate one another. Which is were the usual speech about Liberty and Justice and Freedom comes in and is typically abused as some form of manipulation. But in its truest sense and in the purest form of democracy we would not be voting in favor of or in the best interests of some political stripe so we can celebrate in the streets for gloating and bragging rights. Really it should be about whatever is in the best interest for everyone.
So can somebody please fucking explain to me why we’re voting for politicians and not for Ideas? Can someone please explain to me what the fucking point is of a politician where a simple public servant couldn't suffice? Since we know that it doesn’t matter what party or politician we vote in because they’re all power mad and corrupt, why do we keep giving them the power that they turn around and fuck us with? Because as much as we may not like the fundamental mentality of a particular party, they may have an Idea or two we’d actually quite like to have implemented. Which is of course the first thing to suffer at the hands of a political defeat, those good Ideas that would actually serve us well. Those good Ideas, they also become the carrots that get dangled before our voting noses. If the party loses, so do all of us because the Idea gets killed.
So what if we were to vote on Ideas instead. We’d be empowering ourselves. It would be the ultimate form of a bloodless and peaceful coup. It would have a twofold effect. Politics would suddenly lose its appeal to the power hungry, because the power would be stripped away from the position. Which would leave the humanitarians and philanthropists at the helm. To be an Idealist would be a political social movement and no longer considered a naïve and mocked mindset. And instead of dividing and polarizing us we'd actually be working together. Imagine that.
The Idealist Revolution. Got a nice ring to it.