Friday, May 04, 2012

The Beast That Ate Itself

There was a time when owning something that came from some distant place was exotic and unique. There was a time when ‘Fine China’ meant something special. These days, everything you own is from China. Years ago, way back in the day, a person had to go to a boutique destination shop in order to get an item from India or Asia. Now you just have to go to your local corner store. These days it’s shocking if you look at the tag on a new item and it reads Made in the USA or Made in Canada.
This is not a racist rant. Neither am I insinuating that if an item is made in some foreign land than it must be inferior. That is a simple untruth. Mainly because those manufacturing companies, in whatever far flung land they are, only follow the guidelines stipulated by the corporations contracting them to produce their goods. As a side point there are some unscrupulous and opportunistic business men in those same countries who are creating counterfeit products often right out of the same manufacturing plants of the corporations they are contracted to. I’m pretty sure that’s what’s known as Karma. But the real issue at stake here is that corporations are causing a mass migration of employment to any “Third World” or “Developing” Nation that they can. I am not telling you anything new here. This is not breaking news. We aren’t uncovering some hidden conspiracy here. This is a very old story. In fact it’s so old that it seems we’ve grown desensitized to the whole concept. And we will continue to do so until it inevitably affects us on a personal level. And as much as we think this is not possible, it is.
Putting it plainly, if you do a job that any individual can do in a Developing Nation, you are guaranteed to lose that job. And it will happen much sooner than you can even imagine. Start preparing now. No matter how menial or how little you think you’re being paid, it’s too much for any corporation when they can pay pennies a day to some poor slob over seas with twelve kids and nothing but a shack with a dirt floor. You don’t know from slave wages. No matter how specially talented or educated you are, there are a hundred thousand people lining up for your job at an interview on the other side of the world as you read this. And they’ll do it for the same amount of money you spend on toilet paper each month. For just the price of a cup of coffee a day, you could lose your job.
It’s also no secret that there is an ever widening chasm between the rich and the poor happening in all so-called First World Nations. And it’s only getting wider every day. Yes the banks played horrible gambles with our money and lost. Yes the governments are mismanaging our tax money and destroying our public sector. But all these things are compounded by the fact that corporations are happily outsourcing our jobs to struggling nations faster than we can keep up.
People are resourceful and resilient. Many will find other employment. The problem is the jobs that are left. There’s always the service industry, or entry level labor jobs. The issue is that people won’t be able to afford their mortgage and car payments. The wages from those jobs don’t exactly enable anyone to save for their family’s future or education for their children. And the obvious problem is that the less money we have the less we have to spend anyway, so no one is buying homes or cars or anything for that matters. They will buy what they need to survive. So our society will gradually eat itself alive until it unavoidably implodes and turns us into the very nations corporations are outsourcing our jobs too.
But corporations don’t care about that. They could care less about you and your kids and how you will live and eat, never mind pay for an education to better yourself. Their only concern is the bottom line, even though it means the inevitable self destruction of the capitalist society they love so much. But it won’t die. It will leave a bloody trail of helpless victims. It will evolve and take on other forms like a disease or a virus. We only have to look at Greece to know this is true. The events happening in Greece are the beginnings of a Global Social Cancer that is malignant and growing at an alarming rate. They talk of austerity but austerity is only for the little people. You and me and the rest of the 99 Percenters.
And it goes deeper than that. There’s a book you should read. And if you don’t have time to read because you’re already working too many hours at too many jobs there’s a documentary version of it. It’s by a brilliant and brave investigative journalist named Naomi Klein and its called The Shock Doctrine.
There is only one way to beat anyone at their game. That’s by playing the game.