Friday, March 20, 2009

A Cut Up of Jaw Dropping Truths

So I’ve been away. The press has been shut down for a while I’ll admit. But I’ve been busy people. Busy working my way down the rabbit hole. So far, no rabbit yet, but I’ve found some motherfuckin’ weird shit that’s for sure. You dig anywhere and down far enough you’re going to find shit. Because people, they like to bury their secrets. And their crafty about it. And the reason is because now there’s so much exposure out there. There’s media watching everything. Cameras on every corner, in every store, staring back at you from bank machines. Audio recorders and cameras that fit inside a button hole. I mean Jesus, have you seen how many television screens Wolf Blitzer has on the Situation Room? And damn is that public thirsty. They demand to know what’s going on at every moment. They are desperate for every tidbit of dumbed down, homespun piece of news no matter how deep the slant is or how misconstrued and misleading it may be because of the inconvenient truths that have been lopped off.

As an FYI, they utilize this glut of information overload. Just so you know, that’s where they bury their secrets. In time. Under layers upon layers of one heinous act of inhumanity after another. And most of us are just too tired to dig it up. Too emotionally exhausted to search anymore, just too beat down by the whole thing to face that monster anymore. Or so completely distracted by the preoccupation of trying to survive, and pinned down under the weight of this looming global economic meltdown that it’s just to fucking hard to really care about shit like the fact that there is a mercenary army operating out of the United States of America that is just as large and has access to all the same resources as the regular American Army.

But when you think about it we really should be addressing these dirty little secrets they hide right under our collective nose. Literally. Those little news tickers that scroll across the bottom of the screen, pay attention to those.

But there’s loads of secrets and they’re easy to find. Just for fun, for shits and giggles, do yourself a favor and google Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh. He's an ink smear on the scrolls of history now but he was likely one of the greatest forward thinking leaders of the world in the early 1950's who was elected in Iran. Democratically by the way. The problem was he was too good. He felt it was time that the Iranian people profited from Iranian oil and that that American government pay for the damages done to their country. America promptly disposed of him via a crafty CIA coup.

While your at it look up Guatamala's democratically elected leader of 1953. A guy named President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.

And since you’re on a roll google Jaime Roldos Aguilera . You don’t have to be a genius to pick up on a pattern at this point. And since you’re in that deep, keep digging. Google Omar Efran Torrijos Herrara.

And just for kicks, google Economic Hitmen. Try going to Youtube and searching Jeremy Scahill and Blackwater, which is known as Xe now by the way. Just so you know, Michael Moore hasn't got shit to say compared to the things Jeremy Scahill has to tell you.

Hours of eye opening entertainment there folks. Movies and reading material that Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy would never dream of. Mainly because they’ve yet to sell their souls to the Devil like the people you’re going to find out about when you search any of the subjects suggested above.

Follow this link and you’ll be sure to find a story and photos that quite possibly will make you want to shoot yourself in the face:

Go ahead. I Dare you.