Welcome to the Vaccine
The fact that I recognize a conspiracy when one is afoot does not necessarily qualify me as a conspiracy theorist. The success of a conspiracy depends, by its very nature on an individuals ignorance and willingness to be guided by their emotions alone. So educate yourself.
Currently, nearly everyone in the western world and especially those with children are thinking about the H1N1 flu virus. Many are lining up to assure their health for a vaccine being produced by the Baxter Pharmaceutical corporation. This particular organization being the one anointed by the World Health Organization in recognition of Baxter's fast tracking a vaccine into production. Interestingly, the patent on the H1N1 virus was purchased last year (2008) by AstraZeneca a global bio-tech giant. AstraZeneca's american subsidary has been awarded 90 million dollars to assist in the creation of a new anti-flu medicine targeting the H1N1 variant to be used in concert with FluMist (a pre-existing medication that was released in 2007 with very poor market results.)
For perspective, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) 36,000 flu related deaths a year. The number of deaths caused directly by the flu itself being much lower figure, less than a thousand annually. The influenza virus proliferates easily in a host with a weakened immune system making it more dangerous for those with pre-existing conditions. The human immune system uses the D vitamin in particular to combat viral contagions, which the body harvests naturally from the sun and in very few foods (fish, liver, egg yolk). The fact that few westerners get enough sun to offset the shortage of vitamin D in their diets has given rise to the 'flu season' during seasonal changes involving prolonged cloud cover (some contend the atmospheric particulates in general have robbed natural sunlight of much of its nourishing qualities). The primary concern with the H1N1 virus is not that it is particularly deadly but rather that it is highly communicable. Anyone who has had the flu this year has probably already contracted the virus and defeated it.
American legislators leaned heavily on the CDC in 2005, making them financially responsible for vaccines unsold "through routine market mechanisms" and requiring a "public awareness campaign" emphasizing "the safety and benefit of recommended vaccines for the public good."
AstraZeneca will be responsible for the first round of vaccines available to the American public though several other bio-med giants have been tapped to fill the CDC's 200 million unit order. Baxter is manufacturing the vaccine for most of Europe and Glaxo has reported over 150 million units produced on behalf of Canadian Health Care. All for H1N1, a flu with a higher survival rate than most conventional variants. Interestingly, the only pharmacuetical manufacturer represented on the CDC Foundation's Board of Directors is AstraZeneca, Michele J. Hooper sitting on the Board of Directors for both organizations. No surprise then that the CDC awarded AstraZeneca the first round of vaccinations. A priviledged position for Ms. Hooper. Especially in light of the annual use of flu vaccines in the US rarely topping 100 million units.
The real race was between Novaris and Baxter because the WHO's Board of Directors is comprised of execs from these two pharmaceutical giants. The fact that the WHO anointed Baxter came as a surprise to many because of the company's horrifying track record. Baxter is currently under investigation for recalling an anti-coagulant drug for hemophiliac's from N. American trials when it was revealed that it had become contaminated with HIV-2 and then selling it to Britain and Europe instead, it is estimated that upwards of 10,000 men, women and children in Britain alone were infected with HIV-2 (a more resistant form of the disease requiring more medications to keep in check). Also, Baxter is also responsible for the worldwide distribution of a swine flu vaccine tainted with the living H5N1 Avain flu virus just two months ago. The fact that Baxter has a facility just outside Mexico City where the first known cases surfaced is most assuredly circumstantial but given their track record it has quite rightly raised a few eyebrows.
Interestingly, Ms. Hooper had an illustrious career with Baxter, eventually becoming President of Baxter Canada. Her move to AstraZeneca corresponds conveniently with the first lawsuits regarding the HIV-2 polluted anti-coagulant in the mid-nineties. I am sure that there are others like Ms. Hooper. She was just the first one I identified and pursued to illustrate my point. I start out emphasizing these aspects so that I do not need to justify my questioning of the validity of the current "public awareness campaign".
Its difficult to map out all the problems with the fast tracked vaccine because their is a whole bunch of them. A common concern among physicians is the mercury levels, an issue which is resolved with the use of Squalene in doses intended for children. The mercury level is toxic not lethal and it is impossible to project the long term impact of the mock-up vaccines because they do not need to meet the usual FDA requirements. Squalene is derived from Shark liver oil and is being harvested from an endangered species. These are just a couple of the more problematic aspects of the vaccines themselves. Many more are presenting themselves as proper study is conducted. Then there are the greater questions regarding the use of vaccination as a cure-all for immuno-deficiency that can be easily righted with proper diet and exercise. Large seasonal doses of Vitamin K are a far less contraversial method of preventing sickness from the flu.
Baxter refrained from publicly disclosing what it was charging for a dose of the vaccine, but the UK awarded Glaxo over Baxter (one might think they had a grudge against Baxter for that whole giving everyone HIV) and they publicly announced the cost per unit of their vaccine at roughly $10.20. If we assume that as roughly standard then Baxter, AstraZeneca and Glaxo stand to gain .. hang on this is a fucking huge number, $19,140,228,661 and believe it or not that is a conservative figure. Both Baxter and AstraZeneca are already face lawsuits for over-charging for thier vaccines in several States among other places. A minimum of 20 billion dollars made off of a "public awareness campaign" regarding a flu epidemic possibly caused by the pharmaceutical company it awarded the vaccination campaign too.
Thats just too fucked up for me.